Double girder overhead crane drawings from overhead crane manufacturer and exporter

Dongqi Group, as one of the top crane manufacturer and exporters, provide free crane design solutions for our customers. From crane design to crane installation and crane operator training, we try our best to server our customers.

Our crane solutions and products have served more than 90 countries, and customers around the world are very satisfied with our material handling solutions and crane equipments.

Double girder overhead crane drawings

Capacity: 5 ton, Span: 22 m.

5 ton double girder overhead crane drawing

5 ton double girder overhead Crane drawing


Download 5 ton double girder overhead crane PDF Drawing: 5 ton double girder overhead crane drawing

Notes: The overhead crane drawings are just for reference, not the actual production drawings. If you need design drawings that suit your working condition, please send capacity, lifting height and span to us, we provide free crane design solutions.

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Capacity: 10 ton, Span: 15.89 m.

10 ton double girder overhead crane drawing

10 ton double girder overhead crane drawing


Download 10 ton double girder overhead crane PDF Drawing: 10 ton double girder overhead crane drawing

Notes: The overhead crane drawings are just for reference, not the actual production drawings. If you need design drawings that suit your working condition, please send capacity, lifting height and span to us, we provide free crane design solutions.

Get Free Crane Design Solutions


Capacity: 15 ton, Span: 16 m.

15 ton double girder overhead crane drawing

15 ton double girder overhead crane drawing


Download 15 ton double girder overhead crane PDF Drawing: 15 ton double girder overhead crane drawing

Notes: The overhead crane drawings are just for reference, not the actual production drawings. If you need design drawings that suit your working condition, please send capacity, lifting height and span to us, we provide free crane design solutions.

Get Free Crane Design Solutions


Capacity: 20 ton, Span: 16 m.

20 ton double girder overhead crane drawing

20 ton double girder overhead crane drawing


Download 20 ton double girder overhead crane PDF Drawing: 20 ton double girder overhead crane drawing

Notes: The overhead crane drawings are just for reference, not the actual production drawings. If you need design drawings that suit your working condition, please send capacity, lifting height and span to us, we provide free crane design solutions.

Get Free Crane Design Solutions


Capacity: 32 ton, Span: 22.5 m.

32 ton double girder overhead crane drawing

32 ton double girder overhead crane drawing


Download 32 ton double girder overhead crane PDF Drawing: 32 ton double girder overhead crane drawing

Notes: The overhead crane drawings are just for reference, not the actual production drawings. If you need design drawings that suit your working condition, please send capacity, lifting height and span to us, we provide free crane design solutions.

Get Free Crane Design Solutions


Capacity: 50 ton, Span: 25.5 m.

50 ton double girder overhead crane drawing

50 ton double girder overhead crane drawing


Download 50 ton double girder overhead crane PDF Drawing: 50 ton double girder overhead crane drawing

Notes: The overhead crane drawings are just for reference, not the actual production drawings. If you need design drawings that suit your working condition, please send capacity, lifting height and span to us, we provide free crane design solutions.

Get Free Crane Design Solutions

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78 Responses

  • Comments50
  1. ahmad adiyaksa says:

    i need drawing hoist crane 1 ton

  2. ghulam hassan says:

    I need 50 ton gantry crane drawing pdf or cad

  3. Gaby says:


  4. Manish says:

    Hello sir,
    I want crane design my span is 15 mtr height is 9 mtr and movies is 42 mtr lifting capacity is 20 tone please give me 3d design model of solid work

  5. muthanna Abbu says:

    i need this calculation

  6. ed says:

    wow nice

  7. mayur says:

    Can I have 20 ton Crane 2D Cad Drawing in older version

  8. pakpoom says:


  9. quyen says:

    help me

  10. giang says:

    i want to your design 15 tons double crane. please!

  11. Fatimah says:

    I’m an architecture student. Could I please have the AutoCAD drawings of the overhead crane, capacity 5 tonne, span 28.5 m, max lifting height of 22m. Thank you very much

  12. emre says:

    Please deliver the crane design program to me

  13. PRASHANT says:


  14. vimal kumar says:


  15. Gilberto Gillego says:

    Please help for 20Tonnes crane solution

    thank you

  16. Alex MATHEW says:

    Indeed 15,ton capacity e.o.t crane , 15,mtrs span fabrication drawings

  17. LIM WOOYEOL says:

    I want to make a hoist in Korea. Can you send me the file that makes the design drawings? I’ll contact you as it’s essential for us to look at the materials.

  18. Hongmin says:


  19. Manjaro Mitchell says:

    I am a senior mechanical engineering student from Pensacola Christian College. I need your drawings with dimensions for a project as I am using your cranes to complete a portion of it.

  20. Mark Norris says:

    Great block will be very useful

  21. ปกาศิต พึ่งประจวบ says:


  22. Benjamin says:

    Double gantry crane 10 tons drawing
    Capacity 10 tons
    Span length 20 m and
    Cantliver 5m
    Railway moving 50 m

  23. mani says:


  24. jacky says:

    please give me cad drawing of overhead carane: 20ton.

  25. eko says:


  26. Cagatay says:

    I am Student . I have Mechanical design project. I need Double girder bridge crane .

  27. abdelmoaty says:

    capacity5 ton , lifting height11m and span 24m

  28. lingesan says:

    3+3 ton double grrider box eot crane and craff disgn and drawing

  29. Padmanaban says:

    architectural student
    needed for reference on design development

  30. Christopher Brown says:

    Good day
    I would like to take this opportunity to request a design drawing for a 25 ton double guider over head traveling crane the lifting height would be 12 m span 14.500 m we will not require working platforms or stair access, runway rails will be 60 x 60 square bar 380 v 110 control voltage pendent control duel speed on all motions

  31. saji says:

    I want a 2ton crane trolly typf drawing

  32. df says:


  33. Michelle says:

    Its really good and i would like to have the sketch

  34. ABID ZAHEER says:

    please need drawing for working site drawing planning

  35. ABID ZAHEER says:

    20 meter span lifting capacity 30ton

  36. Jake Garcia says:

    tks for ur kindness:)

  37. Jones says:

    I Need a Wall Traveling Jib Crane 6 Ton SWL

  38. Ayub Saputro says:

    ingin memelajari crene design

  39. Jake Santiago says:

    Goodmorning! I’m from the Philippines. A mechanical engineering student. Can i ask a design drawing and its crane design solutions for a 10 ton double girder overhead crane with a span of 15 meters.

    Thanks for advance.

  40. Carlo Balderama says:

    can i get the solution for this for reference

  41. Nagaraj K says:


  42. Prashant Chormale says:

    Dear Sir/ Madam,

    we need to install the 5 ton overhead crane .

    lifting thight- 15 ft
    width ( span between tow pillers) 14 ft.

    will please suggest the best possible solution.


  43. Asmira farhana says:

    I need detail drawing design and suitable dimension for steel plate corbel 5 tone overhead travelling crane.span is 10 000 m and height max is 7000m…im really need your help…only use one one pillar to support both i-beam…thank you

  44. Juho says:


  45. Mehrdad .H.dalir says:

    of course with double girder.
    thanks again

  46. Mehrdad .H.dalir says:

    we need bridge crane with 20 ton capacity, span 15 m.
    Thank you

  47. khodir says:


    iam student
    i need engineering drawing for every part of an over head crane 50t capacity

    please i need your help

  48. TEO says:

    thank you

  49. m. nahvi says:

    Hi, I would be thankfull if you could send me a drawing file of crane with 5 tonne capactiy

  50. joao says:

    Great !

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