Overhead Crane Installation Technical Requirements

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Crane is belong the large equipment in general, overhead crane weight is about 1 ~ 20 tons, so the overhead crane erection work shall be installed by the professional unit.
Before install the crane, must be strictly according to the following rail-mounted technical requirements to check installation quality, and the actual measurement results are recorded in “Devices File Card”.
a) The rail joint can be made into straight head, also can be made into 45 degrees of inclined joint, inclined joint can make the crane wheel at located in a smooth transition, joint gap is 1 ~ 2 mm. Around the end of the two orbital (total), put a strong dog, prevent crane derailed from both ends, causing the serious accident such as crane crashed from the high space.
b) The lateral displacement of the two rail where connect to the ground or rough error shall be not greater than 1 mm.
c) Two parallel tracks in each direction of the same cross section of the span, rough error of tracks, in the pillar shall not exceed 10 mm.
d) The same side of the track surface, elevation and between adjacent columns between the two pillars of elevation error must not exceed B/ 1500 (B for the column spacing, the unit is mm), but most can’t more than 10 mm.